Happy as always 希望你永遠幸福



It has been over a decade since I left UK for home. In years, Paris is often a rather attractive destination for me than London. But this May, inspite of terrible price of flight tickets, I overcome all the obstactles from work and got this trip done in 2 weeks. Why? Because of my dearest friend, Naho, she was going to throw a wedding reception in London.

honoured picture with this happy couple婚禮在英國最大的植物園Kew Garden旁邊的小小社區中心舉行,小小的社區中心原本是一個教堂。


The wedding party was taken place in a lovely former-church community centre near to the famous botanical Kew Garden.
The living cost in UK is very pricy and catering sevices are neither convemient nor economical. Therefore, Naho decided to prepare all the meals with families' help. Her husband, Nicolas took the task of wedding cake baking. Nothing can describe this event but cozy and welcoming.



On a late May day afternoon, the weather was almost summer-like in England. Blooming pink roses spreaded over ancient honey-coloured stone wall. There were comfortable breeze and clear blue sky. everything around showed beauty of a lovely wedding reception.

Dear Naho. Wish you have a happy ever after life.

